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Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala

mission basilica san diego de alcala

Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala is basically the OG of California’s missions. It’s like the granddaddy of them all, the first one ever built. So, if you’re into history or just want to see some cool old architecture, this place is a must-visit.

Alright, so here’s the lowdown: Mission San Diego de Alcala was founded waaaay back in 1769 by a Spanish friar named Junipero Serra. He was like the Indiana Jones of missions, traveling all over California to set these things up.

Now, let’s talk about the mission itself. It’s got this classic Spanish colonial style, with white-washed walls and a bell tower that’s just begging to be Instagrammed. The mission’s been through a lot over the centuries – earthquakes, fires, you name it. But they’ve done a great job restoring it to its former glory.

Inside, you’ll find some beautiful artwork, religious artifacts, and a peaceful courtyard where you can take a breather. And if you’re into gardens, they’ve got one that’s like a little slice of paradise.

But here’s the kicker: Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala isn’t just a historical site. It’s still an active Catholic parish, so you might even catch a church service if you time your visit right. It’s pretty cool to see how this place has evolved over the centuries.

So, whether you’re a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or just looking for a serene spot to chill, Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala has got you covered. It’s a slice of California’s past that’s definitely worth a visit.